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Τετάρτη 29 Ιουλίου 2009

Obamacare: Headlines from the Future

“2024 Best Seller of the Year: Do it Yourself Brain Surgery”
-New York Times Book Review, Dec 2024

“Is 65 the New 82?”
US Weekly, Jul 2035 Continue

The Enemy of My Enemy

A problem that we conservatives have is that we often measure the worth and merit of a position we hold based on the reaction it elicits from our political opponents. It seems that in many cases we have allowed our worst antagonists to become the ultimate arbiters of our beliefs and actions. Continue

Δευτέρα 20 Ιουλίου 2009

Obama Labels Fantasy as “Realism”

The Obama administration at some point will have to decide if it is realist or merely anti-Bush in foreign affairs. The first choice would have its own challenges and trade-offs but at least it would be a serious foreign policy option. The latter approach would be a dumbing down to the extreme and dangerous oversimplifications of the Daily Kos variety with ominous consequences. Continue

Παρασκευή 10 Ιουλίου 2009

Which Europe, Mr. President?

Does President Obama want to make America more like Europe? And if so - which part of Europe? North or South?

Northern Europe is a region of market-friendly welfare state region of market-friendly welfare states, such as Denmark. Back in March of 2008, Robert Kuttner, the co-editor of the liberal American Prospect, wrote an article for Foreign Affairs, “The Copenhagen Consensus,” in which he expounded on the virtues of the Danish model:continue here